Thirty-seven million Americans, or 1 in 10, have diabetes. In a recent interview by CBS Minnesota, Dr. Andrew Storm of Mayo Clinic, spoke about the new diabetes treatment that may help people with Type 2 Diabetes control their blood sugar levels.
In the on-air interview. Dr. Storm addresses how people come to develop Type 2 Diabetes which typically develops because of lifestyle—over-indulgences, diet and inactivity. These factors lead to our bodies becoming overwhelmed with too much sugar in our systems and in many instances, means we need to enlist the help of medications such as insulin to circumvent the sugar intake.
Dr. Storm spoke about the investigational ReCET Procedure, developed as an option for patients with Type 2 Diabetes and being evaluated in the REGENT-1 clinical study.
Watch the CBS broadcast in full to learn about ReCET as an option to treat Type 2 Diabetes.